We have structured our services into four areas.

Governance & risk
Governance is a term that describes the process by which an organization is directed and controlled. It relates to authority, accountability and leadership.
Risks are events that can influence your organization’s ability to achieve its objectives. Understanding positive and negative risks can provide numerous benefits, including:
- increased efficiency: the outcome of a risk assessment will allow you to maximize your resources by directing them to the most significant issues
- increased cooperation: many risks carry across various departments, and risk management will encourage coordination and consensus building
Note: BT Compliance is not a legal practice, and our services are not intended to provide legal advice.
Building Code Australia (BCA) 2016 & permits
The Building Code of Australia (BCA) is Volume One and Volume Two of the National Construction Code (NCC). Volume Three of the NCC is the Plumbing Code of Australia.
The latest (2016) version of the BCA contains changes in legislation and policy for all buildings types. It aims the achieve national consistency in design and construction of all building types, as well as setting minimum standards for the building’s safety, health, amenities and sustainability.
Watch a short video on the BCA here: The National Construction Code: a Performance Based Code
We will gladly assess your organization’s performance in relation to:
- internal documents:
- Management Systems
- Constitutions
- legislation relating to specific industries, such as:
- Corporations Act 2001
- Associations Incorporation Act 2015 (WA)
- Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012
- general legislation, such as:
- Privacy Act 1988
- Working with Children (Criminal Record Checking) Act 2004 (WA)
All new building developments, as well as alterations and additions to buildings must comply with the BCA 2016. This legal requirement applies to residential developments, commercial buildings, offices, health-care buildings, community centres and other types of buildings.
In our assessment we can review your architectural and site plans before you engage an architectural firm or Building Certifier. We will look at some of the main subjects of Volumes One and Two, namely fire resistance, access and egress, services and equipment, and energy efficiency.

ISO (International Standards Organisation)
ISO certification is generally associated with businesses which are required to invest in a high level of internal control. However, there is nothing that stops you from using the various ISO frameworks on a voluntary basis without paying for formal third party certification (this is referred to as the ‘self-declaration of conformity’ approach).
We can assist you to understand and use the benefits from:
- ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems
- ISO 31000:2009 Risk management – Principles and guidelines
Conducting an audit is a formal way of assessing whether people under your responsibility work according to the relevant systems. Generally it takes place in a face-to-face setting, and it can be very helpful to have an independent person performing his task.
The real goal of conducting an audit is to find gabs in the system, to confirm that procedures are effective and beneficial to the organization, and to suggest possible improvements.
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems
The goal of this standard is to help any organization to achieve sustainable success by consistently providing products or services that conform to its customers’ and legislative requirements.
In our assessment we will look at the context of the organization, its leadership, planning, support, operation, performance evaluation, and improvement
ISO 31000:2009 Risk management – Principles and guidelines
The goal of this standard is to help any organization to manage internal and external factors that can impact the organization’s ability to achieve its objectives.
In our assessment we will look at your organization’s mandate and commitment, its internal and external context, risk policy, accountability, organizational processes, resources, internal and external communication and reporting, and implementation, review and improvement of a risk management framework.
During our assignment we will have an initial look at your internal systems, and develop and execute an audit plan suitable to your needs. We can assist you with first party audits (taking place internally), as well as second party audits to look at your supply chain (taking place at one of your suppliers or subcontractors).
For third party external certification we recommend you refer to an accredited independent certification body. However, we can help you to prepare your organization before taking this step.